I agree, however, if you compile from source, a single change from
will then
// Observe lockdown
throw runtime_error(strWarning);
You can examine the code at
http://bitcoin.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/bitcoin/trunk/rpc.cpp?revision=142&view=markup to see what is happening.
It seems a bit strange to only show an error when -enablesafety is used. Perhaps it is unsafe or insecure for this to happen?
http://www.bitcoin.org/wiki/doku.php?id=apiFrom my understanding of the code it appears that when using one of these
http://www.bitcoin.org/wiki/doku.php?id=api methods other than getinfo, help, stop, getgenerate, setgenerate and most importantly when there is a warning, that:
if -disablesafemode was passed to the running process, then the warning will not be displayed
if -disablesafemode was not passed to the running process, then the warning will be displayed
http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/std/stdexcept/runtime_error/ - Does this cause the running process to stop or does it just produce output to the terminal/shell?
<Adrinael> necrodearia, "this"?
<necrodearia> runtime_error
<Adrinael> necrodearia, if you create a runtime_error object, nothing happens. If you throw a runtime_error object, it all depends on if someone catches it, and where.
<Adrinael> { try { throw runtime_error("Error, halp!"); } catch (runtime_error& e) { cout << "caught a runtime error: " << e.what(); } cout << " but still continuing..."; }
<clang> terminated by runtime_error: Error, halp!
<Adrinael> Hmm awesome
<Adrinael> geordi { try { throw runtime_error("Error, halp!"); } catch (runtime_error& e) { cout << "caught a runtime error: " << e.what(); } cout << " but still continuing..."; }
<geordi> caught a runtime error: Error, halp! but still continuing...
<Sausage> How in the hell did it get that wrong?
<Adrinael> Asked Eelis on #geordi, now move along