Right now I require an email message from customers who send me bitcoins. This is not ideal because if another person knew about a transaction that was occurring, they could take credit for the transaction by sending a message before the person who sent the bitcoins.
Why don't you make them send the email before the transaction? Then you could reply to that email with a new and unique bitcoin address. You don't even need to use email, it would be equally secure, although not that anonymous, to announce the customers email together with the bitcoin address on the frontpage of your site.
The method you are using now is equal to someone sending you cash in an envelope anonymously, including a note with the time he posted it, after which you send goods back to the first person calling you stating the time and amount in the envelope. (Including the mailman and anyone who has access to you mailbox).

Sending the email before the transaction is equal to someone calling you, getting a unique box address which to send the money to. When the money arrives to that post box, you send the goods to the customer.