...The project is open source so if you can come up with something better people will adopt it...
I don't personally have the skills, but again, I think
http://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1631.0 is a great choice.
"What exactly is your issue with the "official" logo?"
The most recent version isn't as bad as the original, but it is still not a crisp as could be desired, it doesn't scale well, has too many color shades, just has an overall "generic" look to it.
Stop complaining. The current logo is just good enough.
It has all the properties a good logo should have.
I'm not actually complaining...just voicing an alternative opinion related to the quality of the current logo that represents the bitcoin project to most of the outside world. I feel it has few of the aesthetic properties a good logo should have.
I don't see why this can't be discussed without being offensive (I'm trying not to attack anyone personally). I'm not saying anything about the qualities of the designer as a human being...he did after all come up with the cool idea of Bitcoin in the first place, but this does not mean his artwork should be the de facto face of the project IF the goal is to increase it's popularity. It seems to me that the better face we can put on the project the better. Is it bad to strive for fantastic?
After some consideration, i think that the logo could be easily polished a little by adding some more 3D-effect to the coin borders, so it would actually look like a real coin. But the rest is 100% OK.
I personally think less 3D is in order. It's ok for it to be "abstract" in that it doesn't look exactly like a coin...I would posit that it would be better if it doesn't try to look like a real coin...after all, we aren't dealing in real coins...we are dealing in BITcoins