We only needed IRC because nobody had a static IP. In the early days there were some steady supporters, but they all had pool-allocated IPs that change every few days. IRC was only intended as a temporary solution. Bitcoin's built-in addr system is the main solution.
Bitcoin can get the list of IPs from any bitcoin node. In that sense, every node serves as a directory server.
When there are enough static IP nodes to have a good chance that at least one will still be running by the time the current version goes out of use, we can preprogram a seed list.
How do you think we should compile the seed list? Would it be OK to create it from the currently connected IPs that have been static for a while?
BTW, if we want to supplement by deploying separate directory server software, may I suggest IRC? IRC is a good directory server (I've heard it has other uses too), and there are mature IRC server implementations available that anyone can run.