
Re: [bitcoin-list] Does Bitcoin Crash in Windows?

Satoshi Nakamoto
Re: [bitcoin-list] Does Bitcoin Crash in Windows?
Liberty Standard wrote:
> Do you Windows users experience occasional Bitcoin crashes?
> Lately Bitcoin running in wine-1.0.1 has been crashing frequently. I was
> just wondering whether this is a Wine issue or a Bitcoin issue.

I haven't had any reports of crashes in v0.1.5. It's been rock solid
for me on Windows. I think it must be Wine related. If you get another
crash in Wine and it prints anything on the terminal, e-mail me and I
may be able to figure out what happened, maybe something I can work
around. Martti and I have been working on a new version to release soon
and it would be nice to get any Wine fixes in there.

> The following four lines print from the terminal when I start Bitcoin.
> fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
> fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
> fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
> fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub

Those don't look like anything to worry about. Probably functions
unimplemented by Wine that are harmlessly stubbed out.

> I previously wasn't starting Bitcoin from the terminal, so I don't know what
> gets printed out when it crashes, but I'll reply with the results the next
> time it crashes.
> While Bitcoin first downloads previously completed blocks, the file
> debug.log grows grows to 17.4 MB and then stops growing. I imagine it will
> continue to grow as more bitcoins are completed.

You can delete debug.log occasionally if you don't want to take the disk
space. It's just status messages that help with debugging. looks fine now. Maybe sourceforge was doing
some maintenance.
