I don't think authentication should be disabled by default if there's no conf file or the config file doesn't contain "rpcpassword", but what if it contains "rpcpassword="?
I can see both points.
What if the programmer can't figure out how to do HTTP authentication in their language (Fortran or whatever) or it's not even supported by their JSON-RPC library? Should they be able to explicitly disable the password requirement?
OTOH, what if there's a template conf file, with
rpcpassword= # fill in a password here
There are many systems that don't allow you to log in without a password. This forum, for instance. Gavin's point seems stronger.
BTW, I haven't tested it, but I hope having rpcpassword= in the conf file is valid. It's only if you use -server or -daemon or bitcoind that it should fail with a warning. If it doesn't need the password, it should be fine. Is that right?
Re: JSON-RPC password
Re: JSON-RPC password