However, once that transaction was complete, a new transaction hasn't started. Or maybe it has. There's only one transaction in the list but I'm up to 131 Blocks under "Status". Is this the way it's supposed to happen? Does it keep processing on the same transaction and generating coins every 120 blocks or so? Or is it supposed to start a new transaction?
I have a Screen Shot if needed. Sorry if this is a basic question but I'm sure someone will ask if I don't.
Thanks for taking the initiative on this project Mr. Satoshi.

EDIT: I decided to stop playing around and I set BitCoin up on my high powered gaming rig, forwarded 8333 to it, and started generating on it instead of my laptop. So then I transferred my previous 50 coins to that client but it's been an hour and nothing has shown up for me to accept the transfer. Both computers are on the same wireless LAN. I sent it to just the BitCoin address because I wasn't sure if I was supposed to send to my internal or external IP. I assume external because the transaction needs to be verified by other nodes. Right? I also assumed sending to the BC address only would make sure it goes through the proper channels. Did I just throw my coins away or should I wait longer? I'm new at this. Sorry.