
Bug? /usr/bin/bitcoind ""

Bug? /usr/bin/bitcoind ""

When I execute
bitcoin daemon starts as expected.

When I execute
/usr/bin/bitcoind ""
error: couldn't connect to server

How come?  Is this a bug?

Satoshi: May we have a bug tracking system please? (size reduced since it was noticed by satoshi and is no longer necessary to stand out, which was meant as a bit humorous anyhow.)

Workaround for my gentoo linux init script:
which will then execute as `bitcoind "-min"`

Re: Bug? /usr/bin/bitcoind ""

So we have to choose something. May be Mantis?

Re: Bug? /usr/bin/bitcoind ""

I sent sourceforge-based message to Satoshi suggesting enabling MantisBT or Trac.  Perhaps he will notice it.

Re: Bug? /usr/bin/bitcoind ""

When I execute
bitcoin daemon starts as expected.

When I execute
/usr/bin/bitcoind ""
error: couldn't connect to server

How come?  Is this a bug?

Satoshi: May we have a bug tracking system please?

Workaround for my gentoo linux init script:
which will then execute as `bitcoind "-min"`

How is this a bug? I may be reading it completely wrong but:
starts the daemon whereas
/usr/bin/bitcoind ""
calls the rpc method "" in the running daemon which is not there, so you get the can't connect. If it were there you'd get:
error: {"code":-32601,"message":"Method not found"}

Re: Bug? /usr/bin/bitcoind ""

I agree with nelisky-- not a bug.  Here's what the unix cat command has to say about "":
> cat ""
cat: : No such file or directory

Re: Bug? /usr/bin/bitcoind ""

I don't know anything about any of the bug trackers.  If we were to have one, we would have to make a thoroughly researched choice.

We're managing pretty well just using the forum.  I'm more likely to see bugs posted in the forum, and I think other users are much more likely to help resolve and ask follow up questions here than if they were in a bug tracker.  A key step is other users helping resolve the simple stuff that's not really a bug but some misunderstanding or confusion.

I keep a list of all unresolved bugs I've seen on the forum.  In some cases, I'm still thinking about the best design for the fix.  This isn't the kind of software where we can leave so many unresolved bugs that we need a tracker for them.