


Is it about time we lose the Beta?  I would make this release version 1.3.

Re: Beta?

But 1.0 sounds like the first release.  For some things newness is a virtue but for this type of software, maturity and stability are important.  I don't want to put my money in something that's 1.0.  1.0 might be more interesting for a moment, but after that we're still 1.0 and everyone who comes along thinks we just started.  This is the third major release and 1.3 reflects that development history.  (0.1, 0.2, 1.3)

Re: Beta?

OK, back to 0.3 then.

Please download RC4 and check it over as soon as possible.  I'd like to release it soon.

Other than the version number change, which included changes in readme.txt and setup.nsi, I reduced the maximum number of outbound connections from 15 to 8 so nodes that accept inbound don't get too many connections.  15 was a lot more than needed.  8 is still plenty for redundancy.